Saturday 2 September 2017

Freehand Flyer

Gradually since just before 8th Editions release, I have been experimenting with freehand painting. A few weeks ago I purchased a Storm Raven for £8 and was pretty hyped about it. Soon after I realised that I could not use it with my Space Wolf force. I then sold it on ebay for £35 and acquired this Storm Wolf instead.

I have never been a fan of painting vehicles (aside from walkers), so I thought I would try a different approach. After priming it black I have started to treat the blank vehicle as a canvas. My aim is to cover most of it in freehand.

I started with the portrait of the Wolf Mother, a greater daemon unaffiliated with any of the four Chaos gods that saved the Canis Aureus in their time of peril. I began with the basic image and worked up the highlights. The eyes needed to be larger in order for me to get the detail into them.

After this I did the portrait of the Wolf Mothers' true form. A woman with a humanoid body, a clawed hand and the head of a Jackal (See video below).

Finally, I painted over the cockpit of the Storm Fang. Is the beast alive or is it a paint scheme designed to bring terror into the hearts of the Aureus' enemies? One thing is for sure, it is going to take me some time to finish this, but I am sure it will be worth every hour.

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