My good friend Jack often acquires job lots of 40k armies. In one of his old batches he received an old sad deredeo. This poor soul had been put together in a rush and sprayed badly. Being the decent gent he is rather than bin it or try to sell it on the cheap, he gave it to me. It was given to me on the condition that I "Chaosed it up" and made something unique out of it.
As I already had one deredeo I wanted this one to be equipped with something different. On our trip to Warhammer World both Jamie and Jack encouraged me to buy him some new weapons. After much debate I settled on the plasma weaponry.
The next day i took to building him. First I constructed the basic deredeo then attached the guns and stuck on a skull.
Soon after I got carried away with the green stuff and had sculpted something quite unique.
Demens was pretty terrifying but Kai is really something else.
The Guardian of Donn Hel
Long fused into his armour, Kai no longer knew where his body ended and the machine began, the daemon had blended with his flesh and fused him into the machine. He cared not for his old form, he knew his father loved him, he knew his father cared about him and would always protect him against harm, a truth he had never felt as an astartes under the command of the Imperium. The beast had stood and waited, guarding the prison of his master. The Imperium had forsaken him as the Dark Gods had forsaken his Master. Sometimes he wept from his beady black eyes deep within his huge seemingly barren eye sockets, but most of the time he laughed, laughed in the knowledge of knowing his master was soon to wake.
In return for his service, the Canis Aureus had promised to release his master and break the shackles that held him deep within his tomb. He knew that this would be no easy task and swiftly pledged his allegiance to their cause. In time he would make his master's father pay. The Plague God would have no power over this system once his forces met Kai on the fields of battle. Warming up his ectoplasmic generators he made his way to the surface, singing in the tongues of his master.
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